Resistance training using timed static contractions

Resistance training using timed static contractions

I was introduced to timed static contractions sometime in 2023 (thanks Drew Baye). I have since become a bit of a fanatic to say the least. I have switched to TSC for a number of reasons which I cover in one sections below. I am only going to share the way I personally do TSC. There are a variety of ways to implement this training protocol. This should be enough to get you started.

If you want to train hard, at home, or on the road, in an effective, efficient way, and reduce the risk of injury, keep reading.

A simple and short demonstration of a timed static contraction exercise (TSC)
Reasons you might want to use TSC for resistance training
How frequently should you perform these exercises?
How many sets and reps should you do?
Is this just as effective as other forms of resistance training?
Understanding momentary muscle failure and motor units
Overview of the equipment I use for TSC